Dedicated to: Presence of the African substrate in the socio-racial
identity in the countries of the area April 12-16, 2022 |
TThe "Fernando Ortiz" African Cultural Center, the Provincial Culture Directorate, UNESCO Chair of Afro-Ibero-American Studies, University of Alcalá, the Chair of Afro-Caribbean Studies "Rómulo Lachatañeré", the International Relations Directorate of the Provincial Government and the Universidad de Oriente, convene “the XX International Conference on African and Afro-American Culture”, to be held in Santiago de Cuba from April 12 to 16 of this year.
The conference proposes to bring together specialists,
scholars and those interested in Africanist and Afro-American issues to open a
space for reflection on the most pressing problems of the subject, from a
multidisciplinary perspective.
Social science researchers, plastic artists, doctors,
filmmakers, musicians, choreographers, dancers, priests and practitioners of
popular religions of African substratum and interested people in general are
invited to establish a debate on the following topics.
ü Gender, race and cultural identity.
ü Gender stigmas.
ü Discrimination and racial prejudice manifestations in
the Cuban, Latin American and Caribbean context.
ü Africans and Afro-descendants in the New World:
transculturation, re-Africanization and multiculturalism, as current trends to
study the African component in the New World.
ü Africa from the pre-colonial times to the
contemporaneity. Africa’s relations with the World from the perspective of the
different disciplines.
ü The African contribution as a component of the
national identity of the peoples of America and the Caribbean, for a
recognition of our historical subject. Emergence and development of the concept
of nationality in the peoples of the area.
ü Political-cultural relations between Africa and the
countries of America and the Caribbean.
ü Studies on the African oral tradition and its
development in the diaspora.
ü Diachrony and synchrony in linguistic, philosophical,
and literary studies on Africa, America, and the Caribbean.
ü The black as author and character in the America and
the Caribbean literature.
ü Africa in the 21st century. The current religious and
cultural problems of the continent.
ü Situation of African traditional religions in America
and the Caribbean today.
ü The so-called universal religions and their influence
in the African, American and Caribbean context.
Workshop “Color and shape”
Dedicated to all the manifestations of the plastic
arts where the African imprint is evident. Painters, sculptors, potters,
engravers and photographers may participate, with theoretical works related to
the following topics:
ü The African imprint in the plastic arts of the New
World. Spheres of contacts and influences.
ü The plastic arts in the African continent.
ü The concept of the artist in Africa and America.
ü Expressions of race in works of art. The black as
artist and subject of the different plastic expressions
They can also participate with a sample of their work,
with no more than three pieces, which will be exhibited in a collective
showroom or after coordination with the event management with an online
The regulations of your registration are adjusted to
the general ones of the event.
B- Workshop Images
Dedicated to cinema and video of an ethnological
nature, which includes the image and treatment given to the African imprint and
its subsequent social development in the American culture, and to African
Participants will be able to show videos and present
theoretical works on topics such as:
ü Literature, cinema and video. Treatment of African
descendants in the media.
ü The video of an ethnological nature. Its contribution
to the knowledge of the African reality and the process of transculturation of
the same in the New World.
ü The treatment of racial issues in cinema, video and
The participants must consign on the deadline for
admission of works, the technical means necessary for their samples. Videos and
other film materials may not exceed 30 minutes.
The regulations of your registration follow the
general ones of the event.
C- Workshop The
ancestral rhythm
Dedicated to music and dances of African origin.
Choreographers, musicians, dancers, musicologists and
scholars in general may participate, and discuss the following topics:
ü Music and dance in Africa: history, evolution and
current situation on the continent.
ü The African influence in the music and dances of the
New World. Analogies, differences, changes and creation process, until the
formation of national music.
ü The African element as the basis for creation of
musical and dancing works.
ü Are folkloric groups only for blacks and mestizos?
Videos may be presented with no more than 15 minutes,
since these functions are part of their presentation at the event.
D -
Mask Workshop
Dedicated to theater
ü The African imprint and Afro-descendants on the scene,
for a contemporary vision of the same.
Actors, theater directors, set designers and theatre
scholars in general may participate and will be able to exchange experiences
based on the following topics under discussion:
♠ Presence of African elements in theatrical
♠ Afro-descendants on stage as subjects of history and
as playwrights.
♠ The theater in Africa.
In the cases of groups that decide to participate
fully, they may present videos with no more than to 15 minutes with the staging
or part of it, these functions are part of their presentation at the event. The
registration regulations are the general ones of the event.
Medicine and Culture
Space dedicated to the established relationships between
the medical sciences and social sciences disciplines from the practice of Cuban
internationalist medicine and other health organizations that also establish
intercultural contacts through medicine. Where doctors will expose their
experiences in the field of medicine with works of the specialty itself.
Papers may be submitted on:
Psychiatry and
ü African traditional medicine. Its evolution and
relationship with others in the New World.
ü Natural and Traditional Medicine in Africa and
ü The Cuban medical experience in Africa. Relations
between Medicine and Culture.
ü Doctors without Borders and other similar
organizations in their practice of medicine and culture.
ü Epidemics, viruses and disease control in Africa.
ü Medicine, medical policies and human relations.
ü Endemic diseases in Africa and America.
ü Disease and Ethnicity.
A- Reception of the papers
The works must be identified by: title, names and
surnames of the author(s), scientific level, educational status, institution
and country of origin, address, telephone, fax, email. Papers will be
translated into Spanish and English in the Book of Minutes of the event.
Works will be presented with 1.5 line spacing in Arial
12, up to15 pages, footnotes at the end of each page and the bibliography
included at the end of the text.
In the case of the workshops, the theoretical works as
well as the photographs of the plastic arts exhibitions, the summaries, the
photos and credits of the film and plastic works must be sent to be included in
the Conference Proceedings Book.
Papers that do not comply with the data specified in
the previous paragraph will not be accepted.
They will be received until February 28, 2022.
Only works that meet the above requirements will be
published. The Organizing Committee is not responsible for the publication of
works that, despite being accepted, is received after the dates entered for
V- Workshops
The workshops
participants, in the case of plastic artists must send a brief curriculum of no
more than two pages and photographs of the sample that they are going to
present to be included in the Minutes book, as well as playwrights and dancers
will accompany the synopsis of their works to be presented and a curriculum no longer than one
page, and if it is a group, information about it, containing its history no
longer than three pages, since they will be included in the Minutes of the
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to accept
or not the presentations in all cases, it will inform the interested parties
about the matter until March 15, 2022
Registration fee:
/ Delegates 1500.00 CUP
750.00 CUP
participants: 200.00 Free Convertible Currency.
VI- Languages
English, French and Spanish
VII - Contacts
Dr Marta E Cordies Jackson
Director of the African Cultural Center "Fernando
General Coordinator of the XVII Conference
(5322) 623893 (nights)
Email: martacordies@gmail.com,
Given that the pandemic is still stalking us, the
Organizing Committee will maintain the hybrid modality of participation for
those people outside of Santiago who, unable to travel, can send their work
within the consigned dates and then send a video no longer than 5 minutes with
the summary of their presentation.
The Pandemic has also delayed the start of this call,
which has shortened the time and has forced us to set a limit for the date of
admission, since there would only be one month left to be able to make the
bilingual Minutes book of the event.
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