Ibero-American Congress of Thought
of Ibero-America. Holguin
The Casa de Iberoamérica with the co-sponsorship of the University of Holguín, convene the XVIII Ibero-American Congress of Thought,
to be held between October 25 and 27, 2023 in the Cuban city of Holguín, with
the fundamental theme: 30th Anniversary of Foundation of the Casa de
Iberoamérica, this time in the face-to-face modality.
You can participate in the Congress
in person, in the categories of author, speaker, lecturer or observer, sharing their experiences about the proposed topics, from articles,
conferences, pre and post congress courses, and presentations in videos and
The articles must be sent in Word
document format (.doc), which once selected by the Scientific Committee, will
be published in the proceedings of the event with ISBN. The topics to which
they must respond will be grouped into the following themes:
- FORUM 1: Social thought, national identity and heritage
- FORUM 2: Gender Studies
- FORUM 3: Cultural Groups and artistic processes
- FORUM 4: Sociodemographic Studies in
- FORUM 5: Culture, tourism and local
- FORUM 6: Studies of the socio-educational
For admission, work with a proactive
approach will be prioritized.
The authors will present a digital
version of their proposals with an extension of 5 pages for the content of the
work, in Arial 12, space and a half, without cover, in systems compatible with
Windows. It is necessary that the name of the document is saved and sent with
the exact title of the work, the name of the 2 authors. On a first sheet you
must enter, only, the following information: Title of the work (whose extension
does not exceed 12 words), name of the authors with their academic or
scientific degree, institution, province or country, institutional and personal
email, and telephone numbers. All accompanied by an abstract of no more than
250 words and keywords. At the end the bibliography must appear, bounded by the
APA standard; These elements are not contemplated within the limit of 5 pages.
Two authors per paper will be admitted, each main author can send two proposals
for papers to select one of them.
The content of the work must be
adjusted to the themes of the call and in all cases contain a critical vision
of the author on the issue treated. Research designs or texts that exceed the
limit of pages or authors are not accepted. The deadline for admission will
close on August 30, 2023. Papers that do not meet the aforementioned
requirements will not be approved by the Admission Committee.
Organizing Committee will inform participants about the acceptance of their
proposals from September 15 to 20, 2023.
It will
also be possible to access collateral actions such as workshops, pre and post-congress courses that will be published in
future notices.
Organizing Committee
- Honorary President: Doctor in Historical Sciences Eduardo Torres
Cuevas, Director of the Office of the National Marti Program.
President of the Organizing Committee of the Ibero-American Culture Festival:
MSc. Isaíris Rojas Paris. Director Casa de Iberoamérica. M.Sc in Cuban History and Culture.
President of the Organizing Committee of the Ibero-American Congress of
Thought. MSc Barbara Martinez Pupo. Sociologist. Investigator. Assistant
Professor University of Holguín.
- Dr. C Nury Valcarcel Leyva. Specialist
in Local Development and Gender. President of the José Manuel Guarch Delmonte
Chair. Professor at the University of Holguin.
- MSc
Amparo Berrillo. International Professor of Yoga in Everyday Life,
Representative University Extension, President Honorary Chair of Bioethics and
Assistant Professor University of Holguín.
- Msc
Yaimara Almaguer Cardenas. Art Historian. Organizer of the Young Researchers
Award and Our Memory Congress. Professor Instructor University of Holguín.
Yudania Cuza Silot. Sociologist. Specialist in Environmental Management.
Assistant Professor University of Holguín.
- Msc
Adriana Roses Labrada. Specialist in Sociocultural Studies and History and
Culture. Assistant Professor University of Holguín.
- MSc
Marielena Grey Suárez. Cultural Laboratory Project Coordinator. Assistant
Professor University of Holguín.
- MSc María Eugenia Brito Fitz. Specialist
in projects and local development. Cultural Laboratory Project Coordinator.
Assistant Professor University of Holguín.
Registration fee:
- For face-to-face national delegates: 1000.00 CUP
It gives the right to:
_ Participation in all spaces in the area where the Congress takes place.
_ Accreditation Module
_Transportación to and from the Congress venue
_ Gastronomic Offer in the Congress space
_ Publication in the Memoirs with ISBN
_ Certification with academic credit
_ Access to the purchase of a tourist excursion (Bariay day 28, Gibara
day 29)
The pre
and post event courses will cost 150.00 MN
To register, contact:
Organizing Committee. House of
Ibero-America. Arias No. 161 between Maceo and Libertad. Telephones: (5324)
427714 and (5324) 427715.
Emails: martinezpupo@gmail.com, ycuza@uho.edu.cu
- For foreign delegates:
registration fee 100.00 USD, registration for pre-congress courses 50.00 USD,
managed through our official tour operator, the Paradiso Cultural Tourism
Agency by contacting Mr. Emilio Ortiz Suárez. Commercial Specialist of the
Paradiso Travel Agency. Email: emilio_ortiz_suarez@schg.artex.cu
includes the certificate of participation in the Congress and the Party.
Waiting to meet your professional
Organizing Committee.
For more information and publication, send the
works to Emails: martinezpupo@gmail.com, ycuza@uho.edu.cu
of works with all their rules: August 30, 2023
of acceptances: September 15, 2023
of the registration fee: From September 15 to October 15, 2023
payment can be made to the account of the Casa de Iberoamérica:
0669641144120211, from the transfermóvil
For more information:
- MSc. Barbara Martinez Pupo
Email: martinezpupo@gmail.com
WhatsApp: (+53)
- Msc Yaimara Lidia Almaguer Cardenas
WhatsApp: (+53) 58244763