Thursday, January 9, 2025

The Path to US-Viet Nam Normalization: Implications for Cuba

 From Deadly Enemies to Comprehensive Strategic Partners

The Twenty Year Transformation of US-Viet Nam Relations

Potential Implications for US-Cuba Relations

click here

Friday, January 3, 2025

Carter and Cuba

 Jimmy Carter's Prescience on Cuba

A webinar on his innovative steps as President and afterwards

Register by clicking here

* William LeoGrande, American University

* Peter Kornbluh, National Security Archive

* Ricardo Herrero, Cuba Study Group

* Jorge Ignacio Fernandez, Hope for Cuba Foundation

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Vice Minister de Cossio address to CIPI December 2024, appeals to Pres Biden


Remarks by Vice Minister Carlos Fernández de Cossío at the inauguration of the 22nd series of conversations on Cuba in U.S. foreign policy

The Road to a Diplomatic Relationship: Ten Years Later.

Vice Minister Josefina Vidal, Ambassador José Ramón Cabañas, Director of CIPI, Ambassador Rogelio Sierra, Chancellor of ISIPI, Ambassador Rogelio Sierra, Ambassador Rogelio Sierra, Rector of ISRI, members of the diplomatic corps, guests, academics and friends.

Today and this event as a whole coincides with the tenth anniversary of the simultaneous announcement by President Raul Castro and President Barack Obama of the intention of both governments to move towards the establishment of diplomatic relations. There will be a panel specifically dedicated to that to that and I'm sure that the topic will be mentioned throughout this event, so in my remarks I do not intend to delve into that subject.

I would like to bring up that from our point of view there are four truths that stand out regarding this tenth anniversary.

The first is that Cuba fulfilled all the commitments it assumed -several of them in writing- with respect to the establishment of bilateral relations and the discreet progress made in the ties during that period, while the U.S. government has failed to fulfill practically all of them. This is a first truth that we register and we think it is obvious.

The second is that the brief rapprochement that took place during that period was positive for Cuba and for the U.S. and aroused the respect, we would say the compliments and admiration of many governments in the world, among them some very close to Cuba, governments that are also allies of the U.S. and particularly in our region of Latin America and the Caribbean.  That, in our opinion, is a second obvious truth.

The third is that in the last eight years, not the last ten, and for most of the U.S.-Cuba ties since 1959, what has prevailed is aggression as the defining characteristic of the ties between the two countries.

The fourth truth that stands out is that in this difficult relationship between Cuba and the U.S. there is an aggressor country and an attacked country.

All are important for the academic and intellectual analysis of the U.S.-Cuba conflict and for the study of the prospects of what could be an evolution toward a more respectful, more civilized relation between our two countries. But the fourth one in particular, the one that defines that here there is an aggressor country and an attacked country, allows us to understand the incongruity of pretending to see this conflict and this problem in a symmetrical balance. It also allows us to see the incongruity that on many occasions the idea of demanding gestures from Cuba or demanding concessions from Cuba arises in order to seek a civilized and viable accommodation with the U.S

It is an approach, in our view, that is intellectually unsustainable and morally unacceptable and U.S. history in dealing with other countries also demonstrates many times that it is an approach that proves to be unproductive.

This does not mean - and those who study history will understand this - that throughout its history Cuba has been unwilling to offer gestures and that this disposition has not been part, in certain circumstances, of our way of performing our relations with any country. This includes the US, that is, the possibility of finding formulas that we do not consider an obligation, but we do understand that within certain conditions it is legitimate and fitting to offer some gesture to achieve a meeting point, to find a solution to a difficult conflict. But what is incongruous is to demand that Cuba be the one to take a step in this direction.

During these eight years in which what has prevailed is the aggressiveness of the Trump-Biden policy, the United States has considered it convenient and to a certain extent necessary to find ways to justify its actions and justify the steps that have been taken. It was necessary, first, to justify to public opinion, especially in the United States and elsewhere, the dismantling of a successful process that had attracted support and had been positive for both countries, according to the evaluations of the time. Then it was necessary to underpin the application of a successive series of coercive and aggressive measures against Cuba that were contradicting the commitments made between 2014 and 2017 and I include here January 2017.

It is worth remembering what were the pretexts used; many of them seem like coming out of James Bond movies, but some of them were actually used and still are.

Of course, the first one that stands out is the alleged sonic or neurological attacks against US diplomats in Cuba, something that the most authoritative voices of science in Cuba, of many centers in the US, of many countries that are allies of the US have disqualified because they consider that what is being alleged is simply impossible and that it defies the laws of physics.

It is something that, in addition, has already been discredited by the intelligence community in the U.S. However, it is frequently brought up again, it appears in press articles, reports appear, the Wall Street Journal is one that brings it around most frequently and CNN published a report two years ago on the subject trying to revive itonce again without any evidence, without any basis and without any rigorous adherence to science, but this was the first one that served the purpose of trying to dismantle a process that proved successful.

For several years, especially in 2019 and 2020, the alleged presence in Venezuela of 20,000, 30,000 and even 40,000 Cuban soldiers was much wielded. No one has ever seen a Cuban battalion in Venezuela - a battalion has about 1000 troops.  I do not think anyone has seen even a company. However, it is a subject that is not much talked about now, but it was repeated a lot and under that pretext new coercive economic measures were applied against Cuba, which are still in place today and which the Biden administration strictly implemented, despite the fact that it is a myth that nobody believes in and that the government did not repeat.

More recently we have the myth of the Chinese military bases in Cuba that emerged in June 2023 and that is reiterated from time to time and articles appear repeating the subject. One of the characteristics of the Cuban capital is that there is a large presence of diplomatic missions including, of course, a U.S. embassy. None, not even the Beijing embassy, has reported that there are Chinese military bases in Cuba. A military base implies military personnel that no one has seen. They have gone to such an extent that a center known by its acronym CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies) catalogued as a prestigious center on security and intelligence analysis that receives funding from the US government, has even disclosed- quoting experts - where the bases are located. However, the diplomatic corps and the foreign press accredited in Cuba have not been able to find where these mysterious bases belonging to China are located.  Cuba is not a huge country and can be traveled by car in less than a day. That means it is not difficult for anyone who wants to search and locate, take a photo, demonstrate that what is alleged in the press is true, to do so, despite the fact that the U.S. government does not take the trouble to deny it. I am sure that if there is a government on this earth that knows whether or not there is a Chinese military base in Cuba, it is the U.S. government.

The idea that Cuba is a malicious influence in the Latin American and Caribbean region was propagated. They know that our country has diplomatic relations with all the countries of the region. With most of them they are relations of friendship, cooperation and solidarity. that our country has contributed with social programs in most of the countries of the region and still contributes today. Cuba has also been active and has been recognized for contributing to the peace process in Colombia, even paying a high political price to persist in that solidarity effort with a sister nation of Latin America and the Caribbean.

There is the dirty campaign against the medical services provided by Cuba in many parts of the world accusing us of being associated with human trafficking and slavery. They go so far as to approve funds to be distributed through USAID, the United States Agency for International Development, to buy witnesses to come and say that they have evidence that Cuba's international cooperation and medical services are used for slavery or human trafficking. This effort by Cuba, praised by many governments of the world, by some U.S. politicians and by at least two Secretaries General of the United Nations, strictly complies with the norms and principles of that organization on South-South cooperation based on the notion of complementary between developing countries, in which each one contributes what it has.

In order to be considered a victim of human trafficking, the Cuban health cooperator who works in a country would have to be deceived and every Cuban knows where he is going, to which country he is going, to which territory he is going and what his mission is. His movements would have to be restricted, he would have to be unable to move and live under surveillance. Anyone who knows a little about this knows that this is an absurdity, because you cannot have tens of thousands of professionals in the world with a guard watching each of them, it is impossible.   Thirdly, it is said that they are not paid. The doctor or health professional who goes to a country while on mission, receives his salary in full in Cuba, therefore, he receives a payment for the professional activity he performs and in addition he receives in the country of destination a stipend that is much higher than his salary and the salary of his colleagues in Cuba. It is therefore an absolute fallacy to say that these are people who receive no income.   However, this is a source of punishment against Cuba and a source of pressure against third governments that demand these services and it is also an insult and an offense to the governments that participate in this cooperation.

Added to this are the myths on the subject of human rights and other fallacies promoted by a country whose record in human rights abuses and atrocities is amply documented; atrocities committed within the U.S. against the U.S. population and in other parts of the world. It is also a country with a track record of supporting some of the most atrocious regimes humanity has ever known and an ally of genocide and ethnic cleansing operations, not in the past, but committed today in this world.

On the basis of these lies and fallacies used as pretexts, the Trump administration imposed against Cuba the policy that he himself called maximum economic pressure that Biden has continued to apply and which implies in practice the reinforcement of the blockade on an unprecedented scale.

In July 2021, something happened that is part of those legends: the alleged abuses and outrages committed by the Cuban government in the face of protests that occurred on the eleventh and on the morning of the twelfth that month. These served as a pretext to justify a policy previously conceived by the Biden administration, which despite the promises it made, as some articles that have been published in recent days point out, to revert suddenly Trump’s measures which was what the democratic platform said. What Biden did was to continue applying the measures of economic reinforcement, to observe what was happening in Cuba at the most dramatic and critical moment for our country with the Covid pandemic and to trust that they were not assuming the cost since the measures had been adopted by the previous government, despite the fact that they were applying them with absolute and surprising loyalty.

It should be added that the narrative regarding the abuses committed has even incorporated people who know Cuba, who have traveled to our country, who know our way of acting, of course to a certain extent. They are an expression of the exposure of the majority of Americans to the huge propaganda machine of the U.S. government and the monopolized mainstream media. The Biden administration used and still uses that banner today, despite the fact that the US government bears direct and indirect responsibility for what happened that day. We have said this directly in the diplomatic exchanges we have had with the U.S. government.

The above are only examples - not the only ones - of the various ways of trying to demonize an experience that turned out to be positive and was celebrated, and of course to try to demonize Cuba in order to justify hostility.

In the coming months and years, we should not be surprised if new similar myths emerge, some as exotic as the one about sonic and neurological attacks or others to try to justify hostile policies. It is the way to sell to public opinion a policy and a cruel behavior that, in the eyes of most people if they were well informed, would be inexplicable.

We know enough about the U.S. to understand that if the majority of the people of that country knew the facts as they are, if the information regarding Cuba were objective and not distorted, if the population were not constantly frightened with regard to non-existent dangers related to Cuba and if hostility were not stimulated against a supposed adversary that is not and does not intend to be one, the people of the U.S. would have an even greater support for relations with Cuba, for the exchange between the two countries but even then it would not cease to have political differences with us. We are sure that out of pure sentiment it would not support and would not accompany a policy such as the one applied today against our country.

On several occasions we have pointed out that despite the continuation of the policy of maximum economic pressure, there are certain political differences in the behavior of the current U.S. government of Joseph Biden with respect to the previous Trump administration and we recognize them in different areas. 

But there is one that has been systematically maintained that could have been changed and that we cannot overlook, which is the presence of Cuba on the State Department's list of countries that allegedly sponsor terrorism. This was a decision adopted by the Trump administration in the last days of his presidency and it is well known that even, at one point, it has received rejection from the ranks of the Democratic Party in the days that Trump made the decision.

It has been absolutely in the hands of the U.S. President and his State Department to change that reality. It would be a matter of a pure recognition of the truth, of making a declaration of honesty to change that reality.

The U.S. government knows perfectly well that Cuba does not sponsor terrorism, it is absolutely clear, but it also knows perfectly well the damage it is capable of causing by keeping Cuba on that list and evidently that is the purpose that has prevailed. 

The paradox is that the U.S. has practiced and still practices terrorism, including state terrorism, against Cuba and in other parts of the world.

These are realities that cannot be ignored when we try to approach the difficult coexistence between Cuba and the US.

By way of information, it is important to understand that there are areas in which Cuba has been willing to work with the U.S. because it considers them to be beneficial to our country, because it identifies that they are also of benefit to the U.S. and that we can cooperate.

Cuba could have said with this hostility, the way it is presented, that we have no reason to be interacting with the US, that they must first modify this or modify that, before we begin to act, and we had every right to do so and it would have been understood as something logical that we would have done so.

I am going to list some of those areas, although naturally the U.S. government presents that exchange as gestures by this government with respect to Cuba.

It is actually the opposite. It is Cuba that had the right and the legitimate reason to say that we cannot cooperate if there is unilateral hostility towards Cuba, being a unilateral act of Cuba towards the US.

Among those areas, there is the migratory issue which is important for Cuba, but also for the US, with agreements that during the Trump administration were unilaterally breached by the US and we not only had the willingness to resume dialogue, but to maintain cooperation and compliance with the agreements.

In this period there has been cooperation and dialogues on law enforcement and compliance in several areas, again an issue where by the simple fact of Cuba being on the list of countries sponsoring terrorism we would have more than enough reasons to say we are not going to dialogue with you, you are slandering Cuba, causing a great economic cost to the Cuban economy and the Cuban population on the basis of that pretext. 

What is the point of us having to engage in dialogue?  However, as a gesture, we said: we are going to talk, it is in the interest of the U.S. and it is in our interest, it is useful, it can contribute to the bilateral relationship.

Something similar happens with the exchanges that have taken place in the field of environment,  in the field of health with many U.S. institutions and very productive; in the field of Science and Technology, exchanges with the U.S. academy of advanced sciences of high level, of high scientific caliber of Cuba. There have been exchanges and cooperation in Geology, in Higher Education, in Basic Education and in Art and Culture, which is possibly what we see the most. In other words, there have been areas that have demonstrated the usefulness of a civilized and respectful relationship and that Cuba, despite the hostility, has been willing to channel and develop.

We cannot say that these areas imply transcendental advances in the bilateral relation, since we know that the economic blockade is the essence of the bilateral relation or is what most marks that relation, but they are important areas, each on its own field, beneficial for Cuba and the US and which show what our governments and countries are capable of doing.

We have been willing to have a dialogue with the US specifically on terrorism and we have officially proposed to have a formal dialogue on human rights. We have not received a response. We could have had a dialogue on compensation, which is very important for the U.S. and for Cuba, and evidently there was no willingness for those dialogues. I reiterate that we would have every reason in the world to reject those possibilities.

Those who have dedicatedly studied the difficult relationship between Cuba and the U.S. have evidence, not only now but historically, of the persistent efforts of the Cuban government, throughout the Revolution, in search of an understanding with the U.S. and the absence of that understanding has not been our fault.

The supposed fallacy that Cuba has missed opportunities and that it has not known how to make the most of them are just that, fallacies. It is an attempt by the side of the attacker to blame the attacked. Those who delve into these studies from a scientific standpoint will find evidence of this, if they look for it,.

Faced with the coming period, about which there is much speculation and predictions, our behavior will continue to be consistent. It will not be Cuba the one to propose or take the initiative to suspend the dialogues and cooperation that exist, not even the discreet exchanges on some sensitive issues. That initiative will not be Cuba's. Our position will remain consistent as it has been for almost 66 years.

In the deliberations of this meeting, I am sure that we will witness appreciations and predictions about what can be expected in the coming months or in the next four years in the bilateral relationship.

It is not absurd, the trajectory of the previous Trump administration is well known and many have deep knowledge of what the bilateral relationship has been and it is not difficult to try to design scenarios of what may happen and, in addition, the statements that in the past have been issued by some of those who will make up the US government and some of those who aspire to be part of the Trump administration and those who again dream that the moment has arrived are known.

For them, the moment is to see the destruction of the Cuba that has been built during the last 60 years or more and they believe that the time has truly come.  That is what you hear and what comes out in the press.

We, of course, will be attentive to the attitude that the new government assumes, but Cuba's disposition will continue to be the same as it has been for more than 60 years, ready to develop a serious and respectful relationship with the U.S., and of course to protect the sovereign interests of both countries.

The truth is that the U.S. government has caused much damage to the people of Cuba and continues to do so today, and may cause even greater damage in the years to come. The goal of mercilessly harming the people of Cuba will be achievable, since the U.S. government is powerful and has the destructive capacity to cause that kind of damage. If it intends to do so, it will use any pretext and lie it can find, no matter how credible it is and how many people believe what it says.

What it will not be able to do is to achieve the goal of bending the will of Cubans; it has not been able to do so to this day and it will not be able to do so henceforth.

It does not have the capacity to force Cuba or to convince us that the abandonment of our sovereign rights, or the renunciation of self-determination are viable options for the Cuban nation.

Let us not fool ourselves. It is in that conflict that the fundamental contradiction of these almost 66 years is centered, that is, the recurrent inability of almost all U.S. governments in all periods to accept that Cuba is a sovereign state and has the right to be one.

I wish the seminar success.

Thank you very much.


The Cuban people deserve better. Here’s what President Biden can do

With time running out, President Biden should immediately remove Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, which at this point has no factual or legal basis and depreciates the credibility of the list; and restore the right of Americans to travel freely to Cuba, as they can to every other country except North Korea. He should end the Trump-era “Cuba prohibition lists” that restrict where Americans can stay, where they can eat, and what they can buy and bring home.

by Patrick Leahy and Alan Gross, opinion contributors - 12/17/24

Bush, Obama alumni ask Biden administration to ease up on Cuba before Trump takes office

In a letter to President Biden and Vice President Harris, the former officials ­ including former Havana Chief of Mission Vicki Huddleston and former deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes ­ urge the outgoing administration to remove Cuba from the State Sponsors of Terrorism List, increase humanitarian aid to the country and to streamline rules for Cuban nationals to access the U.S. financial system.  ...

“In my view the only reason the Trump Administration put Cuba back on the SSOT in its waning days in January 2021 was to make it more difficult for the incoming Biden Administration to reverse Trump Administration reversals of President Obama’s wise and forward-leaning policy,” said Jeffrey DeLaurentis, who served as acting ambassador to Cuba during the Obama administration’s rapprochement period.

The former officials also called on Biden and Harris to send humanitarian aid to the Caribbean island, which has been hit by hurricanes and earthquakes, noting that the administration already pledged $2 million following Hurricane Ian in 2022.

The signatories also asked Biden to instruct the Office of Foreign Assets Control to guide financial institutions on how to serve qualified Cuban nationals without stepping astride of U.S. sanctions. They also called for a general license to allow U.S. citizens to invest in Cuban enterprises not linked to the country’s government.

by Rafael Bernal - 12/17/24

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Marco Rubio's Future Path

The real reason for Senator Rubio's nomination may have become clear when stories began appearing that Lara Trump, the daughter in law, was interested in being appointed for the temporary two year term his resignation will create.  That puts Governor DeSantis in a he may have wanted to fill the slot with someone who would step aside for him to run in 2026. 

Rubio will have more freedom when he is no longer tied to Florida votes and campaign contributions.  Could he play the counterintuitive role with Cuba that John McCain did with Viet Nam?

 Rubio is smart enough to know that the embargo is a dead end, part vengeance and part fantasy.  As Secretary he could remove Cuba from the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT) , restore travel and obtain the freedom of July 2021 prisoners.   Negotiating the end of the embargo and return of Guantanamo will give space in practice for self-directed economic and eventually political liberalization. 

 In any case nothing would change things more dramatically in a Cuba under extreme economic and social stress than opening the legal door to US trade, investment and travel  Without the embargo to blame, Cuba's leaders will be under insurmountable peer and public pressure for reform.    

 Just as Viet Nam saw diminishing its role and influence in Cambodia as an acceptable cost for normalization with the US, Cuba may find full normalization with the US to have greater national benefit than prolonging a close alliance with an unpopular regime in Venezuela.

 It is worth noting that both the author of SSOT,  former Secretary Pompeo, and of maximum pressure, former National Security Advisor Bolton, range from unpopular to anathema with Donald Trump.  The influence of Mauricio Claver-Carone may also be constrained by his ouster in disgrace as President of the Interamerican Development Bank.

 Finally the surest way to increase Chinese and Russian influence in Cuba is to give it no other choice to survive and maintain is political sovereignty.  The US must take advantage of, not self-deny, the cultural, economic and political influence afforded by geography and history.

 We are asking the Biden Administration to use the Lame Duck period to set the stage for a new level of engagement by its successor.


Letter to Jose Cardenas

I read with interest in the Miami Herald: 

 Trump’s incoming team likely will “look for creative ways to exacerbate the chasm that is existing right now in Cuba between the people and the regime,” said Jose Cardenas...Rubio will “seek to regain some momentum and go on the offensive - but not in a provocative, ham-handed way,” Cardenas said

 This will be counter-intuitive for you and Sen. Rubio.  While I know you hope for a total collapse and regime change, the most creative way to exacerbate the chasm is to end the embargo.  The infusion of US trade, investment and tourism without political and economic preconditions will inherently lead to substantial change in a weakened system.    Release of 2021 and other prisoners and liberalization of social debate are reasonable expectations, but cannot be quid pro quo. 

 Just as Vietnam was prepared to sacrifice its interests in Cambodia for the greater economic and political benefit of normalization with the US, Cuba may reconsider the priority of its special relationship with Venezuela.

 Those in the Party and military who resist a real opening and try to create barriers to the Trojan Horse will be isolated and sectors favoring reform will be strengthened.  At that point serious negotiation and accommodation can take place between the two Cubas. 

 If the only choice the Trump Administration offers is surrender, the situation will be unchanged four years from now, except that China and Russia will be more deeply embedded.

 John McAuliff

Fund for Reconciliation and Development

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Signers of Letter to President Biden Urging Action in Lame Duck Session

511 signers listed below as of November 13, 2024

Use the Lame Duck transition as a turning point on Cuba and Venezuela

Dear President Biden,

You have an opportunity during your final months in office to fully undo the maximum pressure campaign against Cuba of the first Trump Administration that has led to to widespread hardship and motivated mass migration.  

Cuban government policies contribute to these problems, but only the US has the power to change the context.

President Biden,  before you leave office you can make history and clear the decks by fully reengaging with Cuba.    President Trump should face the challenge of giving priority to re-imposing his restrictions rather than coasting with them in place.

  • remove Cuba from the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism

  • enable more normal travel by allowing cruises, use of hotels, independent people to people trips and performances

  • resuspend Title III of the Helms-Burton law to prevent nuisance suits that interfere with US investment and business in Cuba

  • respect again* the humanitarian role of Cuban medical teams that serve in other countries

I hope that Cuba will respond by undoing the internal impact of Trump's first term to prepare for his second mandate.  Prisoners can be released who  protested living conditions worsened by US maximum pressure.  Cuba ought to undertake greater reform of economic and social policies as desired by its people and contribute to finding a political solution for Venezuela.

Why is this important?

During his first term, President Trump left in place for nearly two years most of the Obama opening with Cuba.  A key actor in creating maximum pressure against Cuba and Venezuela was the now hostile and alienated former National Security Advisor John Bolton.**  

For more than sixty years US and Cuban national interests and human well-being have been paralyzed by a conflict over sovereignty, self-determination and freedom with two centuries old roots.***   The historic transformation begun by Barack Obama and Raul Castro was virtually destroyed by Donald Trump in the second half of his first term and only partially rebuilt by Joe Biden.

By President Biden restoring mutual engagement, he can rebuild trust and open the door for the second Trump Administration to act positively.  Ending all travel restrictions (including on normal tourism), dismantling the UN condemned unilateral embargo and returning the Guantanamo base and prison that was obtained as a condition for independence, the US can give Cuba space and resources to find more creative national solutions to economic, social and political problems. 

It can also create the possibility of US and Cuban cooperation with efforts by Brazil, Colombia and Mexico to find a peaceful solution to the political conflict in Venezuela.

Name                         Zip Code

John McAuliff 11901
Mary Day Kent 19119
Louis A. Pérez 27514
George Pappas 60618-5602
Andrew Berman 55416
Robert Greene 97217
Colleen Curtis 98229
Susan Young-Fleming 11218
Lee Schlenker 20010
Joaquin Geaga 94702
John Rosenbaum 34109
Sarah Grey 47250
Don Thompson 2139
Michael Locker 10025
Dosier Hammond 08542-3148
Thomas Ehrlich 95065
Judith Sánchez Ruíz 13359
Debbie Wilson 10469
Sharon Moulton 1053
Susan Peterson 52333
Peter Couming 2124
Joelle Deloison 94609
Jack Malinowski 19119
Joan Budd 10570
ry martinez 90039
Virginia Traxler 50312
Mike Wolfson 2130
Bill Montross 20817
Sherry Rogers Frost 17320
Elena Nickerson 8648
Emanuel Kopstein 94920
Sandra Dunn 19004
Cary Kopstein 94920
Nicholas Long 2837
Cecilia Gaston 10035
Ricardo Pérez 6226
paul adriaanse 94121
Lee Liddle 93720
Jeremy Landau 87557
Kristin Loken 20860
Sheyla Paz Hicks 37212
Mark Rasenicck 60025
Alan Papscun 1262
Margrit Diehl 13224
Richard Loveless 86336
Charles Costigan 34711
brantly womack 22911
Barbara Webster 7042
Ethel MacDonald 59801
Leanne Mella 10065
John Haffner 70119
Linda Elzer 11961
Lisa Valanti 15241
Beverly Burke 37129
Lea Aschkenas 94949
Ruben Sandoval 95409
Maritza Giberga 95831-1516
Ken Sanford 92029
Holly Stuart 84102
Pedro Schuck 34243
James York 45601
Nanette Crist 34243
Lydia Valanti 15216
Rosemary Woods 1103
Jennifer Desmond 80503
Irene Kaufman 32082
William Williams 37716
Terry Brackett 34239
Ramon Perez 33029
Joel Schwartz 10301
Terry Rixse 22311
Ollie Davidson 20815
Douglas endicott 34237
Marla Hoffman 11040
Laurie Rhoads 17033
James Matthews 17038
Wilfred Labiosa 926
Patrick Comer 80303
Thomas Mondell 16117
John Dayter 12308
Oswald Mondejar 2446
Gloria Sellers 11201
david leneman 90008
Deborah Mondell 16117
Theresa Owens 29466-8857
Kelly T 8070
Howard Kramer 33705
Indira Leneman 90008
Benjamin Olson 98349
Nancy Kramer 33705
Rebecca Berlant 11215
Robert Racine 85201-5304
Linda Elzer 11961
Gabriel Ruiz 20906
Joan Boyle 10017
Jeffrey Elkner 22204
Jay Garcia 19073
Conner Gorry 55427
Emily Chafa 50131
Jeannie DeMarinis 80455
Daniel Burke 1053
Olivia McCann 80205
Richard Lopez 80455
Nancy Greene 80221
Nancy Commins 80027
Doug Ray 80302
Lawrence Carlson 80304
John A. Sand 85755
Rita Barouch 94805-1021
Mark Ginsburg 95062
Rita Kungel 80305
Jayne Rynar 24471
Maureen Hung 32909
Carmen Rumbaut 78666
Luanne Buchanan 28805
Lisa Sparaco 92102
Jay Jones 15212
Holly Ackerman 1060
Yosi (Jo) McIntire 32080
Mark Rasenick 60612
Soledad Pagliuca 32080
Burton Steck 60618
Aaron Singer 33322
Steve Warren 34243-1602
Anola Small 94606
Melanie Ziegler 45056
Erik Schnabel 94603
peter and peggy yackel 55446
Maurice Rehm 94062
Robin Taylor 34637
Rae Kasdan 22980
Dawn Gable 20770
William Cecil 5663
Vannetta Perry, Ed.D. 87832
Susan Greene 94558
Judith Ackerman 10024
Patricia Storace 6385
Marcelle Gimborn 34711
Tico Capote 38117
Dorothy Anderson 2191
Kate Hennessey 80027
Elizabeth (Lisa) Arceneaux 78666
Norma Barbacci 11226
Janet DeCosmo 32301
Armando Vilaseca 5464
Fred Lavy 22802-4822
Carlos Boueres 32303
Marvin Weber 34224
Magaly Spector 33135
Yves Chabal 33135
Enrique Sacerio-Garí 19010
Alan Ditmore 28753-9061
John Stanfield 53517
Miriam and Mike Kurland 01096-9771
Francine Brown 10037
Joaquin Casamayor 77062
Allie Wood 32903
jamilah b 7029
Alexis Marona 98662
Allen Mort 94124
Nana Royer 32080
Lorenzo Canizares 33196
Judy Hopkins 61326
Sandy Jones 63116
Kim kaeser 33919
Anna Knox 98117
Maria Frances benitez 91403
Norman Pearlmutter 11713
Edgar Polanco 2128
Christine Myles 97404
Susan Chandler-Reed 81401
Kim Withers 78387
Marcy Campos 20912
Kathryn Trimper 22306
Andrew Child 1720
Steven W 33903
Joe Volk 19348
Sally Benson 92262
Christian Appy 1002
Doug Hostetter 01027-1089
Prescott Grey 87801-4645
Barbara Sheehy 59823
Lorenzo Antonio Del curto 87832
Brenda Wilkinson 87801
Tina Odenbaugh 33037
Erin O’Brien 60641
Lisa Baum 52245
Daniel Perry 87801
Bonnie Scharnick 95531
Shara Allison-Jones 23513
Timothy Bridges 33716
Shirley Wilkins 33919
Diane Johnston 32080
Donalea Loewen 80538
Dennis Witting 34224
Cristina Sanchez 70056
Michael Walsh 92646
Gwen Senio 52358-8510
Jean-Anne Marshall 98281
Donald Nappi 33442
James McDonald 10128
Anne Zarba 75014
Allan Oliver 98661
elisabeth heefner 55403
Eloise Linger 11725
Wilfred Labiosa 926
Seil Roman 901
John Cabrera 91775
Diane Keefauver 97205
Sylvia Alvarez 34639
Eileen Del Pino 91775
Deborah Niebuhr 55987
Michael Sanders 59047
Gretchen Musicant 55410
Diane Stradling 3801
Rosemarie Sawdon 24060-6258
Felix Kury 94015
Jonathan McGrain 18954
Carol Izzo 43065
Nadia Sindi 97401
cyn Roberts 47448
Benita Lubic 20015
Michael Martin 47401
David Elder 19348
John Ehrlich 10016
Delores Terry 23227
Scott Shaughnessy 19971
Mary Drobny 90814
Steven Black 66611
Chuck Kieffer 48103
Ann Segraves 47404
Stusrt Ashman 87506
Micheline Fleurant 23219
A Michael Marzolla 93103
Michael Utech 98006
Frances Perkins 2119
Juliane Richter 4177
Julie Cardenas 28655
Jorge Publio Chacón 7052
William Hendricks 93001
Merrie Felder 39739
Norman Savitt 11201
Kip May 47404
Jeanne Koopman 2139
Richard Barnes 4107
Eric Grossman 7087
Rosemary Ganci 34491
Cecilia Grossman 7087
Tor Jensen 60091
Joli Ginsburg 94117
Feranndo Bretos 27701
David Funkhouser 19144
Don and Roberta Thurstin Timmerman 53233
clyde winter 53024
Gonzalo Lopez 91910-1804
Melinda Ulloa 20009-1575
Victor Ulloa 20009
Perry Olds 28754
Leon Q Allen 60475
Frank Marshalek PhD MPA 47404
Deevon Quirolo 34601
Eric Peterson 30331
Terry Provance 20015
Daniel Primerano 95560
Katie Calligan 17603
Eric Nelson 55987
Cecilia Ogasawara 80526
thomas cronin 19004
Anna Adams 78044
Stephanie Rugoff 10025
Cynthia Munley 24153
sandra baird 5402
Frank Munley 24153
Bob and Kathy Redig 55987
Cherie Hales 55987
Jo Anne Murad 5489
Sue Fuhrmann 21921
Terri Cohen 23059
Brian Singer-Towns 55987
Charles Jacobsen 94599
Robet Michaels 32712
Donna Carswell 19006
Danielle Cazier 83201
Gordon L Magill 32301
Thomas Popper 10576
Carol Flores 52245
David Greenberg 1340
Kasey Picayo 10001
Robert McFarland 33020
Ben Gritzewsky 97243
Paul De Castro 91016
Harold Cardenas Lema 20018
Julie Hutchison 44107
Kristin Kyllingstad 1965
Annie Escalona 98026
Alexandra Kyllingstad 1965
Richard Dawson 90026
Susan Worgaftik 1301
Frank Pratka 77098
Richard Elrauch 11218
Sandra Soca Lozano 33617
Diana Battle 94134
Yolanda McAllister 90221
Maddy Oden 94612
Ferd Wulkan 1351
Jesse Drew 95618
Martha Kransdorf 48103
Joslin Fritz 89523
Richard M Walden 90036
David Langford 98359
Albert A Fox 33624
Norine Fernandez 93401
Eric Beaumont 53211-2706
Estelle Schneider 94610
Stephanie Burgos 20910
Paul Lauter 7605
Diane Messmer 98103
Rich Weller 19810
Timmorie Freeman 94121
Kevin Washington 7631
Kathryn Dame 60068
Lyon Leifer 60062
Anna García 92106
Sarah Eggleston 20027
Margaret Cerullo 2652
Rebecca Cramer 55406
Curt Bender 94608
Amanda Perez Leder 11050
Amy Alexander 91361
Mary Ann Clawson 01060-4250
Susie Sinclair-Smith 21409
Eli Arroyo 33544
Martha Rothman 11201
Nathan Torrence 60626
Nina Menendez 94602
Doug Selwyn 1301
Carolyn Brandy 19012
Sofia Erlien-Cerullo 10451
Miryam Rumbaut 75036
Linda L Forsberg 55105
Beatriz Bustamante 33138
Donna Nawalkowsky 19148
Jose Garcia 60563
Susan Bram 10014
Phyllis Ewen 2139
Randy Poindexter 70125
Victor Cross 94707-1304
Harold Jacobs 92270
Deno De Ciantis 15216
Andrew Augustine 62010
James Cline 92130
Elena Barge 22802
Warren M. Gold 94941
Beverley Citron 30064
Kwabena Lumumba 30331
Jennifer Spelman 87505
Ramon Bueno 2143
Miranda Beidler 17501
Barbara Schulman 11231
Yethel Sussman 11970-0345
Christopher Baker 92234
Eli Ours 52247
Harry Targ 47906
Diane Stradling 3801
Randolph Shannon 15066
Pamela Ann Martin 19002
Jenny goltz 60022-1517
Henry Terrell 77009
Daniel Sanders 33765
Carl Seese 46923
Hilary Davidson 95035
Marla Chung 90043
Irene Hardisty 50312
Kayleen Dowell 83714
Ted Dreier 97219
Rusty Nelson 99223
Dale Mitchell 2130
Peter Robbins 14009
Catherina Krabill 46516
Cynthia ROTHSCHILD 11231
Margaret Summers 20024
Courtney Childs 97333
Mary Ann Fastook 10282
Stephanie Jones 32308
Nancy Axelrod 20009
Amy Ziegler 63130
Barbara Kennedy 55406
Sue Staehli 97225
Maria Longenecker 17603
Alicia Claypool 50315-1845
Rochelle Kaskowitz 63130
Aaeron Robb 21239-1905
Ron Krupp 5403
Deborah Goldman 98122
Les Margosian 97304
Joey Merrifield 37727
John Chadwick 98226
Elisabeth Vassas 19901
Kristen Schlaud 48334
Kurt Thurmaier 60115
Jenna Edmond 98106
Carol Steele 92679
Nova Dahline 98168-2618
Robert Joe Lee 08690-1906
Mary Perez 47235
zia parker 80301
Gail Sullivan 2130
Lesley McQuarrie 98106
Lauirie Rugenstein 80302
Cynthia DiDonato 2904
Stanley Kaster 11228
Leslie Lomas 80303-3831
Lucymarie Ruth 94610
Christa Erwin 98144
Benjamin Treuhaft 10003
Nathan Barge 22802
Louise Amyot 1301
Marc LeMaire 54665
James Taylor III 80210-4506
Julie Buffington Rizner 10960
Carol Marshall 54521
Bruce Radtke 98226-6449
Susan Mitchell 20815
Claire Jones 98144
Lara Wasner 48076
Larry Lawton 98520
Amy Draizen 94618
Roy Romano 48076
Emily Tracy 81212
Patricia Pedersen 98112
Constancia Romilly 10516
Karen Madden 97213-1212
Linda Helland 95482
Karen Brown 48221
Anne Taffel 11778
Tom Waldorf 59718
Janice Gutman 98342
Donald Davis 15106
Pascale Angulo-Deiros 71000
Erin Bell 48073
Shardé Chapman 48033
Patricia Longair 80526
Mary Ann White 30145
Rosa Baty 87059
Laurie Lemmlie-Leung 85263
Susan Karraker 81122
John Chapman 78759
William Moore 4401
Marie Gadjev 48237
Peggy Parkinson 54022
Michael Erisman 47802
Peter Weisberg 94804
Daniel Erkkila 55808
richard snyder 28403
Kristin Ford 1915
Kai Lopez 33030
Henry Marshall 54521
Mirella Glasberg 34239
Hollyn Miller 17602
Lisa Froman 94705
Belmont Freeman 10025
Marla Gundle 98122
Edward Goldman 11205
Rebecca Ferber 98122
Nathaniel Lehman 24060
Kelly Johnson 48180
Cynthia Grayson 98275
Alinda Wasner 48025
Rena Leib 2139
Jacqueline Pokorney 55108
Alison Tudury 94066-1252
Laura Byres 32206
Enrique Arias Jorge 33134
Chris Ray 10005
Emilie Olson 98407-5603
Mrs.Kenneth Stein 32086
Christine Weeber 80422
Priscilla Felia 11356
Steven Katz 40508
Marianne Short 44618
M. Phyllis Cunningham 10025
John Preiskel 96160
Naomi Kratzer 22802
Frederick Royce 32038
Ruben Chupp 46526
David Parker 97214
Parker Lindner 98103
Kristal Parks 80003
Sam Brier 97202
Neyla Carpio 10700
Stephanie Self 98146
Ralph Quinonez 90013
Susan Metz 11238
Joshua Stucky 8540
Hillary Jasper Rose 98106
Bruce Miller 6019
Mariana Gaston 11217
Riogers Guilarte 77346
Flora Gonzalez 2906
Gary Prevost 55412
MB V 98118
Werner Wothke 20906
Judith Parkinson 95685


* Trump's Venezuela and Cuba policy in focus in Bolton speech in Florida

** Then Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power announces US abstention on the embargo resolution

*** The underlying historical problem between the US and Cuba

Links between Irish and Cuban nationalism in 19th century New York